Overhead cabinets, microwaves, cellar doors. Struts can bring convenience and ease to your life. It is imperative that your struts are fitted correctly. Incorrectly fitted struts can cause serious injury.
From gas to window and even your cupboard springs, house struts are an ever-present form of support. Given their prevalence, replacing struts can be expensive, especially if you suddenly start having problems with many at once. Struts Regassed 4U provides a convenient and cost-effective strut regassing service in addition to new units and repairs.
Gas Door Struts
These allow for the effortless closing and opening of lids, hatches, or doors in a controlled and efficient manner. The benefit of gas door struts is that a door, for example, retains the open position so you can easily access the space. There is no danger of the door closing unexpectedly and resulting in injuries.
Another significant benefit is that gas door struts mean no hinges, which allows for much more space inside cabinets. The springs are incredibly durable as they are manufactured with extended use in mind, meaning they last a long time.
Window Struts
Using struts is one of the most efficient ways to open and close windows. You can adjust the window opening and control the air entering the room to attain adequate ventilation.
Specific window struts have safety features like built-in locks for extra security and peace of mind. They allow for a much tighter seal, effectively reducing outside noise and lowering your heating and cooling bills.
Cupboard Gas Struts
It can be annoying to try keeping cupboard doors open while you are performing tasks. Cupboard gas struts are the perfect solution to this inconvenience. You can quickly get to packed-away items and close the door when needed. Contact Struts Regassed 4U to discover how house struts can benefit you!
We have a client who suffered a terrible injury due to an incorrectly fitted strut. His cellar door snapped shut on his foot, taking his big toe off. His was very pleased when we replaced and correctly fitted new struts. This particular job took only 30 mins. By the way, his toe was successfully reattached.